Jan 23, 2025

Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Booked

 Just after Christmas we booked our fifth Disney Cruise and very soon we'll be enjoying the warm sunshine instead of this freezing cold winter we've had.  Oh my it's been frigid!  I can't wait for the beaches!  This is the longest we've had snow on the ground since we lived in Nebraska back in 2016!

picture from the Disney cruise website

Although our local schools have been closed all but 5 days this month, we've been busting butts getting our school work knocked out so we can enjoy our vacation.  Some days call for a cozy nap under the heated blanket.

Sterling played for hours in the snow everyday the first week it was here.  Now we just wish for it to go away already.  
We've also been spotting a lot of foxes behind our fence, so that's been fun.  It lead us down a rabbit trail learning so much about them.  Virginia sure has shown us a lot of wildlife in our backyard. 

Warm days are ahead and we're ready.

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