Jul 12, 2024

Homeschool Curriculum Picks 2024-25

 Every year deciding which curriculum is going to work best for each child is the most difficult decision I have to make.  Then I think of what worked and didn't work from the previous year.  If something worked, will it work for the new year?  What are the new interests in each child?  How can I make that fit into our learning?  What are their future goals?  Let's learn about that!  Each homeschool year is a new year, with new goals, and new interests.  It's fun to educate them around their interests, it makes learning so much more fun!

First up, let's talk about the subjects we do as a group.  History, writing, poetry, habits, and read aloud.  We have focused so much on Ancient History in past years that we are finally going with American History.  But first, we're going to continue in the Story of the World Series and read through Volume 2.  We should be done with that book at the end of September and then can focus on American History the rest of the year.  I want to touch a little on so much and if interest aligns, we'll find some rabbit trails to go down.  But, Xander will be doing an American history course for high school next year, so this year we'll dip our toes and dabble in it.

Writing is a subject that we've struggled with finding the one that works for us.  We tried Structure and Style (the program that all homeschool moms rave about), but my kids hated it so much.  I was altering the weekly assignments and it just got to be not worth all the extra work, so we stopped at week 12.  The videos were long and the writing assignments were so specific that there was no creativity in their writing.  I've kept it and will probably give it a try when they are in High School.  I really liked how it was structured and guided the students to properly write paragraphs.  But they were in the 5th and 6th grade and creative writing was what we needed that year.  Just to get them writing.  So, all that to say, this year we will try 6-trait writing.  I've heard a lot of good things on Evan-Moor products, so I'm hopeful that this will be a win for the year.

We started working on habit training last year and it went well.  So we're continuing this year.  It's never too late to instill good habits.

Poetry memorization...it's good for the brain

7th Grade - Sterling

Bible:  We are working through different devotionals from Not Consumed.
Math: Continuing with Math-U-See, Sterling is on level Zeta.  She'll start Pre-Algebra in January.
Language Arts: Trying something new.  She's never been a fan of FixIt Grammar, which we've used for the past two years, so she chose Spectrum book 7.  For reading, she's assigned a literature book and will complete a book report.  In Vocabulary, I'm having them use the dictionary to find 2 new words, write the definition, and make a complete sentence using the word properly.
Civics and Government:  We're using Notgrass Uncle Sam and You.  We weren't successful at working through this curriculum last year, but I felt it was important for them to still do it.  They will work independently through it this year.  Sterling is starting with Part 2.
Science:  I planned for her to finish General Science through Apologia this year, but decided the first half of the year I'm going to have her work with recipes.  Each week she will follow through a recipe and hopefully make a yummy treat.  Last weeks dessert she did awesome!

8th Grade - Xander

Bible:  Devotional from Not Consumed 
Math: Math-U-See level Zeta.  He'll most likely move to Pre-Algebra in October.
Language Arts: Xander really likes FixIt Grammar, what we've used for the past two years, but I've felt it's just not enough.  So, he's using Spectrum book 8.  He'll also be working on his cursive again this year.  For reading and vocabulary, he'll be doing the same as Sterling.  
We did start the school year with using The Good and the Beautiful language arts for Xander.  I just don't like that curriculum.  I don't know why I keep giving it a try.  After 3 days I ordered him the Spectrum book and it looks like it'll be much better.
Civics and Government: Same as Sterling only he's starting in Part 1.  
Science: He's finishing General Science from Apologia from last year.  
Extra: He's going to work in the computer science and coding book.  

Those are our picks for this school year.  I'm always hopeful that everything will be a good fit.  Maybe this will be our year?!

Have a wonderful day!

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