Jul 8, 2024

First Day of 7th & 8th grade

 We've always started back to school in July, but this year I was planning late August.  We have 3 weeks of day camps, and a trip to Kansas, Texas, and Louisiana to visit grandparents.  In that trip, I'll be dropping the kids off at sleepaway camp for a week.  As we were prepping to start school two months earlier than I originally planned, Sterling was busy.  I found this adorable tea towel hanging over my chair the morning we started.  She's so cute and creative. 

Getting ready to start the first day of school means a massive cleanup is in order.  I need the chaos removed before my brain can chill and focus.

I ordered a crap ton of books to get us started

Then organized them by genre and/or years

I printed out our yearly school calendar from Calendarpedia and identified which days we'll be taking off.  We like breaks...another good reason we usually start early.  I then started going through their curriculum and plugging in their assignments for the week.  We do four full days and then Fridays are tests and the day to make up any work that didn't get finished on the other days.

Seeing who their school mascot will be for the year is always a fun surprise.  

On our first day of school we actually took a field trip after we went over what was expected this school year.  Where did we go?  The county courthouse!  Oh my, what a fun experience.  I have one kiddo that is really intrigued by law and would make an excellent prosecutor, so getting to see one in person was so fun!


After court we came back and did some work

We have the first week under our belts and we've already made some changes.  Always you guys.  Always.  Sigh.  In my next post I'll share their curriculum line up.  The last pieces actually came in the mail yesterday, so we're ready now!
I always love the routine of our school days.  It's such a great balance of mental stimulation and finding time to be bored.  I love the ages we are at!

Posts coming up:
Curriculum picks
Sterling's elective
Xander's elective

Have a wonderful day!

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