Apr 3, 2024


Hey guys!  This year I'm combining the birthday posts.  Sterling turned 12 in March and 16 days later Xander turned 13.  I can't believe I officially have a teenager!  I'm excited for the teenage years.  Sterling loves the 16 days before Xander's birthday because they get to be the same age and she pretends she's older.  It's a fun time!

She's 12!

The night before her birthday

Some table gifts.  Very practical for Sterling.  She asked for the scissors and then that calendar I found on clearance at Target.  Every time we go into Target, she would always go flip these calendars to the correct date...so when I saw them on clearance, I knew she needed one in her life.

She also wanted to garden for her birthday, but we ended up doing it the next day because she decided she wanted to veg out.

Her dessert of choice.  However, two of the fruits that we bought went bad in the days before her birthday so it was just strawberries and oranges.  We were so sad the blueberries and pineapple didn't last.  It was still really delicious and a wonderful choice instead of cake.

And just like that, I have a teenager

Xander loves food and drinks other than water.  So his table gifts were his love language.  He's the only one in the house that doesn't love Chomps beef sticks, so he got his favorite.

He wanted Dairy Queen for his dessert.  Wish granted!

We also went out to play baseball.  In the rain.  It has been way too long since I played on an actual field.  We always play in the backyard, so it was fun to run around the bases and hit as hard as we wanted.

We also booked an Alaskan cruise to continue the celebrations next month.  We're all really excited for this gift!

Be Kind.  
Have a wonderful day!

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