New year, new opportunities. Now that Christmas is taken down and back in the storage room, I have the clean slate I was looking for to get focused and get shit done. I have an extremely hard time focusing if I see that something needs to be done. If stuff is piled up, I can't get anything done until it is put where it belongs. Yesterday was my day to get it all done. Why does it feel so good having a clean and organized home?!
Let's chat.
With starting this new business adventure, I knew I needed things away so I can get the things done that need done each day. I had a rough week last week. Monday and Tuesday went as normal. We were on a trip and came home on Tuesday. Wednesday came and the morning went well and we were able to finish school work. Lulu had a spa appointment and while she was in that, Nick and I needed to go to the bank 30 minutes away to show two forms of id. An hour and forty-five minutes later, we were finally done in the bank and rushed back to pick up Lulu. That quick 5 minute appointment was nothing quick about it. On Thursday I had 9 videos to watch for this new business and a 45 minute video meeting with our business coach. The videos took all of my time and then I was done at 5. Just in time to make dinner, cleanup, and finish some chores. The kids did their online math and reading, but that was it. Friday was another crazy day until 1:30. I had an early appointment. Since I was in the town of the grocery store I prefer to shop at, I stopped there and got our produce and meats for the week. After I got back to our town I ran to the pharmacy to pick up my new medicines. Only that was a whole fiasco that took 40 minutes for them to figure out. While I was waiting for my medicine to get filled, I ran across the street to Target and Petsmart. I had to get a few things there too. Then at 12, I had an appointment with our tax consultant for the new business. At least once every day I say, "I guit!" It's so much!
Because of the craziness of Wednesday through Friday, I woke up early yesterday to get the clean slate I was in desperate need of. I have no other outside appointments this month (yet), and I really need to get the kids back on our school routine. I'm sorry new business, you are no longer my priority. My kids education is! We started school five weeks early because I knew we needed 1 week for our cruise and I wanted to do 2 weeks for Christmas this year. However, at the time of planning our year, we didn't have a business on our plate. So with the extra travel time for that, we ended up taking 3 weeks off. I feel guilty, which is why I enrolled them in an online math program. Now they can at least do math and reading without my instruction being necessary to complete. We started school back on the 27th, but with all these appointments and errands for the business, it's been a rough start.
On Monday, we're going to start a time block schedule for our days. Of course, these are estimates. If school takes longer, we'll keep working school. It's our main priority for the next 6 months. Our last day of school will be June 21st this year. Much, much later than we've ever done before. But, this year it's needed.
9-1 School
1-2 Lunch; finish school work if needed
4-6 Dinner prep/dinner
6-7 Business work
7-8 Workout
I really hate the feeling of being thrown into the deep end. I've been sinking. Hopefully I'll come up for air soon and our days will feel less overwhelming. My kids education and our health are my top 2 priorities this year. My third priority is making time for myself to do things I enjoy. For me. I always include the kids in whatever I do, but this year I want to have "me time." Like starting a sourdough journey. I made my starter yesterday. Let the edVenture begin!
If you made it through this post, thank you!
Have a great day.
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