Feb 7, 2023

Let's Talk News

 Hello, friends.  Living in Northern Virginia we sure see a lot more news.  Unfortunately it's not mostly positive news.  It definitely reaffirms our family's belief that keeping our kids out of the public school system is what's best.  Man it's so sad hearing all about all of the issues the school systems are facing.  I feel sad that not everybody has the option to homeschool their children.

Schools just don't seem to be a good or safe place for children.  Parents always think, it's not going to happen at our school.  We live in a good community with a highly rated school.  Sadly, problems are still occurring in the highly rated, private, and christian schools.  

There's drug problems, resulting in overdosing and deaths.   Then there's violence, that just gets worse year after year.  

This one gets me the most frustrated.  Why is a child going to school with a gun?  Because of the lack of awareness from parents.  Parents aren't involved with their kids.  Parents are worried about the newest trends on TikTok, when they should be worried about their child.  If you have a gun, put it in a damn safe!  Lock it up and don't give your kids the code.  Kids should not be touching guns.  Ever.  Period.  Lock them up!

Now administrators are stealing children's medications because they can be sold.  It's just wrong.  If a child is bringing a medication to school to be administered, it's because they need it.  They don't need the allergy pill that is being substituted.  It's sad you can't trust the administration to do the right thing.

Nobody cares more about your child more than you.  Teach them right from wrong.  Don't wait for schools to teach them.  It simply won't happen.  Let's end this nonsense.

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