Jan 9, 2023

Happy New Year

Hey friends!  I can't  believe 2023 is already here.  I thought I'd reflect a little on the past year.  I do like to think of coming into a new year as a time to make it better than the year prior.

Since 2020, we have moved 7 times, 5 of which were to a new house.  Two of those were moving out of our big home and putting our stuff in storage, three hours away each trip.  We've been all over the place and this year I am determined for us to enjoy life.  Do more of what we love and find some new things to love in the process.

2022 Rewind

1.  2022 was the year of chaos and regrets

2. We dealt with health issues

3.  We decided that after retirement, we would live small and buy an RV to live in full-time.  We cancelled this idea five months later and had a few oh-shit moments

4.  Took a trip to great wolf lodge, a few trips to FL, our big 5-week travel to the midwest, northeast and east coast trip, along with a cabin trip.  We love traveling, which was the reason for the RV idea.

5.  Kids started basketball and Xander loved it

6.  We bought a house, moved in 5 days before Christmas and had everything unpacked by Christmas morning!  Full transparency; we sold over 80% of our belongings because we planned to RV, so we only had a 26 ft moving truck of our belongings.  Half of the moving truck was storage items, like holiday bins, that don't get unpacked.  

When we knew a move was coming up, we didn't have the kids in sports or activities because we didn't want to spend the money on it just to move in the middle of it.  So the kids often heard throughout the year, just wait until we move.  We said it way too many times.  I wish we would've just let them do the fun activities when they wanted to do them.  Even if it would've been for a few weeks.  

Things we're going to do more of in 2023

Activities.  We've already gotten them signed up for sports.  Sterling will be starting tumbling/cheer today, and Xander starts basketball this weekend.  

We also started a homeschool co-op.  There are a ton of field trip options available since we live in the capital city suburbs.  The kids love field trips!

Attend church

Try new meals

Start painting again.  I love painting on canvas and it's been a good seven years since I created anything worth keeping.

Live your life how you want.  Stop waiting for the perfect moment.  Stop waiting and wishing.  Get out and do it.


Have a wonderful day!

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