Nov 14, 2022

Meal Plan Monday

 Hey, friends.  I know a lot of bloggers typically share what they are eating in the current week.  Well, I'm going to share what we ate the previous week.  It can be inspiration for you if you find yourself in a dinnertime rut, like myself.  I'm a bit better at reverse meal planning.  Just like I reverse plan in my homeschool planner.  A lot less erasing happens this way.

Some of the meals we had...

I've been wanting to make a Cobb salad for awhile.  It's been sounding good.  Well, I discovered I don't enjoy egg on my salad.  After I pulled it off, the salad hit the spot.

Nick wanted a T-bone steak, but I'm not much of a red meat eater, so I opted for something smaller.  I marinated steak bites, and Xander and I had a few of them.  They were okay.  They had a strong vinegar smell, I'm guessing it was too much Worcestershire sauce for my liking.  But then again, I'm not a steak person.  But, the potato was great!

We read Fry Bread in school so I wanted to make it.  But, we didn't use the recipe in the book because I didn't want to buy ingredients since I'm hoping we won't be here much longer.  So I found a recipe that called for ingredients I had on hand.  It was good, but I'm not sure I'd have this setup again.  Nick mentioned that he thought they tasted like a beignet (he ate one by itself).  Now I want to make a beignet.

Here's the fry bread.  The top right one I wanted to see if I could make it in the air fryer to be a little healthier.  Nope, definitely didn't do what it was suppose to.

I have a plan written out for this weeks meals, but, I don't think I'll be sticking to most of them.  What are you eating this week?  

Have a wonderful day!

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