Nov 4, 2022

Favorite Moments from the Week

 Hey, friends!  Today I decided to do something different and link up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites.

Our little Bella Rueski turned TWO.  She's such a fun dog.  She's finally becoming a snuggle queen, laying in her bed, and not bouncing off the walls all day long, ha!

She's in desperate need of a haircut, coming on Tuesday.  We had to skip our last appointment because we were on our five week road trip.

Starbucks Caramel Brûlée, I love you.  The best warm drink and I'm super excited to have way too many of them :).  My mini also loves them!

We had a fun week in science this week.  They created a digestion comic strip, a digestion theme park, and we put a tooth in coke overnight.  We'll definitely keep brushing our teeth at night.

We've kept up with our meal plan for this week and my daughters wrap looks so yummy.  The rest of us had turkey-bacon wraps.

Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

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