Oct 27, 2022

6 Things That Make Me Happy

 Hey friends!  Today I thought I'd share 6 things that make me happy.

Choosing to be more happy has been a huge mindset shift for me.  I have to wake up well before the kids get up.  I take a walk (with the dogs), drink a cup of coffee, and get my shower before they are up.  If I'm rushed I skip the walk or just shorten it.  If I don't get those things done, I'm doomed (in my mind) to have a horrible day.  But, shifting my mindset to I get to instead of I have to has set me up for a more successful (and peaceful) day.

To me, to be happy means to enjoy my time, in the present.  Whatever that may be.

Even on hard days, choosing to look for the good helps make my day go smoother.

Drinks.  I love having drinks around.  My favorite is a Vanilla Latte, Cherry Coke, Cranberry Cocktail, and white wine.  My favorite seasonal drink is Caramel Brûlée Latte from Starbucks, from November...until they run out.  I love that drink so much.  Have you tried it?

Blankets.  I've always got a blanket wrapped around me if I'm sitting down.  I'm always cold so having a cozy blanket while I work makes it more enjoyable.  Reading a book?  Grab a blanket!  Watching a movie?  Grab a blanket!

Compliments.  Who doesn't like and appreciate compliments.  But, the area I appreciate compliments is after I cook.  I think it's because I don't enjoy cooking and it feels like we eat the same things every month.    I'll have moments when I'm really proud of a meal because I tried something new.  Then it's a flop.  Ugh.  The devastation of the money wasted and having to figure something else out.  It's a whole cycle.  But when I get a compliment I get extra courage to keep trying.

Fun Surprises.  Oh I love surprises.  Although they are pretty hard to get past me because I can read someone really well.  I'll figure it out most likely.  But, when I don't, it's a good one!

Hallmark Movies.  All year long I love to watch the Hallmark Channel, but especially at Christmas time.  Sure the movies are predictable, but some of them are so sweet.  Watching sweet movies puts me in a happy and cheerful mood.  Lately I haven't been enjoying all their movies (because of some of their settings), but at least I can pick and choose which ones to watch.

Happy Thursday!  Have a wonderful weekend.

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