Jun 9, 2021

Summer Plans for Routine

We are so glad to have a summer where we can go freely when and where we want.  No reservations.  No masks.  No time limits.  Just a summer to have fun.  We're ready!  The zoo?  Yes please.  Carowinds?  Yes please.  Splash pads?  Sure, why not! The beach?  Heck yes!  The aquarium?  Of course!  Trampoline park?  Wouldn't miss it.  

In order to fully enjoy our break, I had to first come up with a daily routine.  I'm not sure if your kids are anything like mine, but, electronics are KING of the house.  So, in order to minimize (because it's not realistic to eliminate...although I love that idea!), we have tried two things.  The first, which lasted about a week, was no electronics until 4pm.  All day every day all I heard was "Can I go on my phone?  I'm bored. Can I play my switch?  I'm bored. Can I play xbox? I'm bored."  It was exhausting, so I've now reverted to a system we used about 3 years ago.  It worked great then, so I'm hopeful that it'll work now.  

The idea comes from Thirty Handmade Days, but I made a new version to reflect older ages.  So far, it's working great.  I haven't heard once if they can play on a gadget.  Not once.  They now know what is expected before they can play.  If x y or z is not done, they don't play.  They also have a two hour time limit.  If they want to play three different gadgets, they have to figure out time for each one, but can't go past two hours.  I haven't even heard an I'm bored statement either.  I have seen them referring to an "I'm Bored" ideas list that I came up with.  So, I'm calling this a success.

For their daily chore task, I broke down a schedule into days and weeks.  Rotating each week so each kid has a turn doing the not so fun task.  Whatever that may be.  Actually, they ALL hate vacuuming.  What?!  That's the easiest job and they all complain.  Just push the dang thing around while it's running and you're doing your task.  Kids.

We have a lot more relaxed of a weekend because we are typically on a day trip on Saturday and Sunday is more of a relaxing day.  So, they are required to complete the "have you" and three tasks under the "plus" section on their conditions sheet.  They can pick any three tasks, but no less.

This is working.  I don't say anything.  They know if they want to play electronics, their work must be done.  They can do their work at the end of the day or the beginning of the day.  Their choice.  But, electronics are off at 8.

I like that it doesn't fall back on me if they can't use their electronics.  They know to not even ask if they didn't finish everything that's expected.  

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