Jun 25, 2021

Carnival Games

We had such a fun day once the games started!  It was a perfect way to begin summer.  

We played different versions of balloon tennis.

Can Toss

Ring Toss

Making creations from "clown" balloons

Balloon Pop

The Prize Wheel.  Everyone wants to win a prize when you go to the carnival so we had to include it.

I really think the cake eating contest was the most fun.  They couldn't believe I was going to let them eat as much cake as they could.

Off they go

Realizing it's a lot of work

She's in it for the cake (and to win!) 😂 

The girls did a good job.  Nobody ended up getting sick either, so that was a win!

They played games/ate cake for three hours!  A lot longer than I expected, but was so glad they had a good time.

We also planned some outdoor games but with the weather in and out of rain, we have saved those for another day.  

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