May 18, 2021

Lately - Part One

Hello!  It's been far too long since I've been in my little space.  I've missed it, but I couldn't make the time for it.  Life was full and busy.  Now that life is beginning to slow down, I'm going to try to get consistent sharing our days.

A little of what's been going on since I last posted:

In November, we went to Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate a friends birthday

In December we decided to put our NC house on the market and it sold in 2 days.  We also took a trip to the mountains in NC to spend Christmas.  It decided to snow while we were there, so the kids were super excited to play in the snow for a few days.

We also took a ride on the famous Smoky Mountains Railroad Polar Express train ride.  It was so much fun and the little town is so cute.

After our trip to the mountains, we received our new puppy, Bella.  The kids didn't know we were getting a puppy.  They were shocked and excited.  She's a havanese and is just the sweetest little thing.  Although, she's quit pudgy and has quit the list of nickname.

In January, we said goodbye to our favorite house and a few of our neighbors.

January and February were busy with moving from the NC house, putting everything in storage, moving out of our apartment in SC and into a rental house in SC.
In between all the unpacking, we started taking Tuesdays to eat lunch outside at a nearby park.  The kids favorite part was looking for turtles.

I've also been dealing with a medical mystery since January.  All tests came back normal, but I keep having this problem, so something's not normal.  Hoping I'll get answers, and relief, soon.

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