{First, I'd like to shout out "Happy Birthday" to my sister!}
Oh man, what a year it was! We struggled, and we struggled hard. Of course, we did have some enjoyable times as well, but unfortunately the hard times won this year. But, just because we had a hard year, doesn't mean we have to give up. We have to keep trying until we get it right.
We started the year hopeful. Hopeful that the year would be good. Fun would be had. Learning would be enjoyable. And, our curriculum choices would be the right fit.
Here we are, hopeful and ready for the year ahead.
What worked for us.
Math. Handwriting. Science. Reading.
We started our school year earlier than we typically do, July 15. I figured because it's so dang hot in SC, why not start school so we have to be indoors anyway.
We began the year using BJU Math 3 and Math 4. It's math, so the kids have a love hate relationship with it. They love it when it's easy, but if it required a little more effort or time, they'd complain. But, they loved the colorful pages. We ended up sticking with it throughout the year and ending around lesson 150.
The kids loved handwriting. We used The Good and the Beautiful (TGATB) Book 2 (Xander) and 3 (Sterling). Xander loved the art and Sterling really enjoyed cursive.
For science, we used The Good and the Beautiful, Marine Biology and Space Science. The unit studies were fun and engaging. We all enjoyed the lessons. We also filled in extra science with a DK science workbook.
Reading was a hit and a miss. It was a hit because they enjoy reading, what they want, but hate taking the time to do it. I also had them working in a reading comprehension workbook, which was a miss, but they'll be doing it again next school year. I say it was a miss because they complained about it every day. I liked it though because I allow them to read what they want, I want to ensure they are comprehending what they read. This workbook takes 5-10 minutes a few times a week. So, as much as I hate the complaining, they'll keep doing comprehension next year.
What didn't work for us.
Grammar. Writing. History. Spelling.
Language Arts/Grammar was a total flop for the year. It stressed me out so much. The kids dreaded it. We began the year using The Good and the Beautiful. I heard so many positive reviews, I reviewed the free material, and thought for sure they'd love it. Man, was I wrong! Since the curriculum is offered for free via a download, we tried level 2, 3, and 4. I really wanted them to like it. After trying to figure out what we were going to do, we mustered through those lessons. In November, we switched to The Moffatt Girls grade 3 monthly bundles. I already owned it from when Xander was in 3rd grade, but we never used it because we didn't need it. It came in handy and the kids were relieved to be doing those worksheets again. (She only makes up to grade 3 work) We finished the year using Moffatt Girls and I was so thankful I had that resource we could pull from.
In writing I was planning to use language arts program from TGATB, but since that didn't work out, I needed to find something else to substitute in. I found a program that I wanted to use, but, couldn't see spending the amount of money it was asking. So, I found a workbook, Writing Skills Level 4 (for both kids). It was okay, but they didn't enjoy it. It gave age appropriate writing exercises and guided them through the basic elements of the writing process. It was a quick lesson, but too dry for their liking.
For history, we started the year with TGATB level 1. I really enjoyed it, but it was a lot of reading. My kids hate when a lesson has so much reading. They get bored quickly, even when I have them doing something to occupy their time while I try to read. We ended up finishing 2 of the 4 units and then moved onto geography. We used DK geography grade 4.
We used K12 Reader Spelling again this year, but it just didn't work for us. It kept getting pushed and eventually it was dropped. I began having them spell in their grammar packets and I'd check that. If they got a word wrong multiple times, they'd have to spell it correctly five times.
We were all over the place it felt like. I have to say though, I think adding in so many outside activities also hindered our routine in the classroom. Sure, having the kids active is important. Both physically and socially, but it became too much. On Monday and Wednesday, we were basically rushing to get schoolwork in, stressing us all out. Then on Tuesday and Thursday, having a full day. In March we started adding Friday on our schedule because it was looking like we'd never get done with our school year. I did not like 5 day school weeks.
I also created the kids a checklist of everything they needed to get done before they could enjoy summer break. Sterling finished school last week. She finished multiple lessons a day. Xander, well, he's still plugging away. One lesson at a time. He has four lessons in math and a handful in handwriting left. He should be done Friday!
We also took random breaks. We went to the beach a few times and enjoyed it so much. It was a much needed break from the books.
Even though our year was stressful and didn't go at all like I'd planned, we survived and will keep trying until we figure out what works for us. Next school year we are trying something completely different. I'm excited. Sterling's excited. Xander's hesitant.
Thanks for reading, have a great day!
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