We finished our sixteenth week of school on Friday. Our month started with uncertainty, frustration, and boredom. We took a field trip on October 1st, a Thursday, to a pumpkin patch farm. We came back from that feeling a little refreshed. That following week, it was back to a rough Monday and Tuesday doing school work. We took the rest of the week off and I revisited what we were doing and how we were going about it.
September was ROUGH. Sterling, my 8 year old, complained every day that language arts was BORING. Every day. It was exhausting, for both of us. We were using The Good and the Beautiful (TGTB) Level 3 for her. I really liked the concept and structure of the lessons and thought it was working out very well. However, I'd still get that it's boring, four days a week. So, on October 7th, when I looked at the TGTB website to see if the new level four was uploaded, I was excited because it was there! So, I downloaded the free version, printed off four lessons, and got language arts ready for Monday to start fresh.
I also came up with a new structure for our school days. We've always been known to begin school after lunch. But, this year, it just wasn't working. As much as I was trying to make it work, it was becoming stressful. So, I revamped our start time as well.
I added getting outside every day possible to our line up as well.
We still have plenty of 80 degree days here in South Carolina, so we were visiting the pool more than we thought we would in October.
We also started doing school on the couch some days
I was hopeful going into that the next week. At 9 a.m. Monday morning, I said pull out your language arts. The whining began as quick as it usually did. It's boring. I hate language arts. Why do we have to do it? It's SO boring. I didn't get defeated because they haven't even seen I switched the level, for both of them. Well, Xander was on level 4, and doing fine with it, but I moved him to the new level 4 so we could all do it together. After they saw they had new material, the became curious and the whining stopped. And I didn't get another "It's boring" for three weeks and Sterling was in a bad mood that day, and everything was horrible for her. We all have our days, but luckily they don't last too long and as soon as I change the scenery, attitudes usually perk back up.
Working on the new level 4
I also give them busy work when I'm doing our read aloud or history. Luckily we had some clay and creating huts to go along with our history lesson one day was engaging and fun for them.
Our New Routine (that's working!)
I get up around 630, get a shower and get myself ready. I work on my blog and/or Instagram.
On Monday's, at 745, I head to Starbucks and get everyone a special drink to start their week. We just had our fourth week of this yummy drink and it's just as much fun the fourth time as it was the first.
The kids get up around 8. They eat, watch an episode of something, and then get themselves ready for school.
At 9 we begin school with language arts, then math, then history. Right now they have been watching science inspired shows on Disney+ for science. We are done with everything around noon, and have two 20 minute breaks.
After school it's free play, creative time, and then activities begin.
One more thing we added to our school day was uniforms. I know. Weird. But, it's working and putting everyone in the right mindset.
This routine has been working awesome for three weeks now. We started our fourth week today and we're all excited and ready to continue our routine.
The one thing I have to tell myself on hard days is that no one will ever love my kids more than me. Not any of the best teachers out there will have my kids best interest in mind. As much as I wanted to send them off to a private school in September, I knew it wouldn't be for the best and had to figure out what would work FOR US. I'm glad we have found our happy spot, for now at least.
Have a great day!
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