Oct 19, 2020

Shut up, Clown! Don't talk to me like that!

 Lately, people have been asking me for my "Trump-Biden" opinion.  Until this morning, I had ZERO intention of sharing it.  Honestly, I never thought that it really mattered who the president actually was, since law, tradition, and the given situation would pretty much dictate what happened despite whomever was sitting in the White House.  But, I now think that this year's election actually matters.  SO...here goes: 

A.F.Branco Cartoons on Twitter

Trump is an ass.  Biden is a profiteering puppet. 

But, Trump, is an effective ass who understands that the national economy is the engine that drives opportunity for all Americans.  His policies for the last three-plus years, have been effective in deregulating restraints for American growth via global and small-business pursuits. 

In addition, Trump HAS actually done a lot for non-Caucasian Americans, despite the media's continuous lies that he is somehow a discriminatory racist. 

Do I think that Trump really cares about people? No.  But, does he need to really care about people...? No, he doesn't.  National policies need to be inclusive.  His policies are.  He's tough on crime - all crime, even crime perpetrated by black Americans against black Americans; he's tough on transnational terrorism, and willing to cajole allied & partner nations into paying what they themselves stated was reasonable for their own and global security.  Trump is FAR from perfect.  

That is for sure! But, perfect isn't necessary.  America needs effective policy that yields the first and greatest opportunities to Americans.

Now, for Biden.  He's more likable.  He's more polished.  But, I find him to be completely ineffective in the ways that matter: he obviously has dementia, which is probably typical of a 77-78 year old American man who has experienced aneurysms and brain surgery.

He's a lifelong politician with nothing noteworthy to underscore his "experience." He authored law that locked people, mostly black Americans in prison for minor, non-violent, drug offenses.  

His policies would make some people feel good. It would "feel" like progress; but, to anyone who looked at it and saw the effects - his positions, agendas and policies would benefit the leftist extremists.

The nation would be more divisive with a POTUS who panders to "identity politics" first and often.  Biden would be the first to say that institutions are racist and sexist.  I disagree with this entirely.  Some people in institutions are racists and sexists.  

Biden's son is a drug-addled liability.  His proximity to a would-be POTUS, would endanger national security, notwithstanding this probably scandal regarding China and corruption.  

Biden's tax policy would drive businesses away from the U.S., resulting in catastrophic job losses.  His advocacy for teachers' unions and converse opposition to school choice and charter schools, proves that he's "bought and paid for." Giving all parents the choice to send their children to the best possible school SHOULD BE a human right. 

But, those who oppose "school choice" have sided with incompetent public schools instead of enabling children to have the opportunity for a successful education, are just wrong.  Biden is wrong.

Lastly, Kamala Harris, who as a DA, frequently locked black Americans away at a higher rate than any of her predecessors and who refused to compensate wrongly-accused convicts, is suddenly SO PROGRESSIVE.  

She seems like a typical opportunist politician with no valuable skill or morals to speak of.  She should not rise to the Presidency.  

SO....my vote is with Trump-Pence (despite the terrorist housefly from the debate).  Trump is the ass that we know.  Better to stick with what we know to be imperfectly effective over something demented and extreme like Biden-Harris.

#trump2020 #biden2020

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