Oct 12, 2020

Our Week

October started with cool temps and Halloween anticipation.  Will there be trick or treating this year?!  We finally found costumes, just in case.  I don't think we've ever bought costumes in October.

With the cooler temps, making a pot of gumbo was in order.  And oh-so-good it was!

We painted our rocks we found a few months ago.

There are a lot of moments in our days lately where the kids bicker non-stop.  But seeing them work together and build homes for their families was the sweetest.

Nick made the list for Lieutenant Colonel so the kids and I sprung into action and decorated for him.  We had 30 minutes and surprised the heck out of him!

Sterling had all of her appointments within a week of each other.  She was amused with the oversized shorts they had her put on at the doctor office.

She had a filling filled and was irritable for an hour or so afterwards.  The worst hour of my life, but I knew it was the medicine affecting her, so I found grace.

And then she had her blood drawn and ice cream makes everything feel better

And everyone

We're trying out a new routine for our days, but I'm going to give it a few weeks before I share, but I'm really hopeful.  We need something different since we still haven't found our rhythm this school year.

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