Oct 15, 2020

Letting Go of Summer

 I think it's finally okay to say goodbye to the warm summer waters in South Carolina.  We've spent a lot of time in the water over the past week.  The warm sunshine was much appreciated without the fear of turning into a lobster.  Even with sunscreen I fry and limit my exposure time.  The UV index had been 5 and below lately, so we spend 2-2.5 hours each day at the pool.  The water however has dipped on the cooler side because our mornings are perfect, in the low 60s, but that makes swimming not as enjoyable.  

Unless you're Sterling.  She swam the entire time, every time.

Xander on the other hand brought a book and sat poolside most of the time by the second day.

After an hour out of the pool, Sterling was playing with her towel in the water and he decided to brave the cool temps and join the fun.

Putting their brave faces on

Bringing friends to the pool will surely take the cold edge off

But, only for a little while with this guy.  I don't blame him, the water was cold!

The best way to end summer was with a trip to the beach in October.  No crowds and lots of space to run around and play.  I may have to buy them a wet suit so we can go again this year.  Without the crowds was so peaceful and we could just enjoy ourselves.

This is the face you get when you tell them it's time to head back home.  Three hours of fun is never enough time at the beach.

We are still in for temperatures in the low 80s, but I think our swimming days are done this year.  But, I'm not complaining, I love cool weather.  If I could find a place that was in the 50s-60s all year, I might would move there!  What's your favorite weather?

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