Sep 25, 2020

Friday Fun Day

 Last week we started our first Fun Day.  I've been wanting to implement something the kids could look forward to each month and it was perfect timing last week.  Although, it's always hard to come back and do actual work the following week.  It's still worth it for the day of excitement and fun.

We started with Poetry Tea Time, our first ever.  And it was a huge hit.  Our set up definitely does not look like "everyone else's" but it was all the same nonetheless.  As much as I wanted it to be "fancy" like a lot of Instagram mom's have done, I didn't.  I'm pretty sure my 5 minute set up was just as much fun as their fancy setup.

This girl really loved the food and fun

One of the poems I read

And then regretted, just a bit.  Hoping he doesn't really try to do as the poem mentioned, ha!

What I wanted most was for the kids to pick up the book and want to read on their own.  It's worked because in the week since, Xander has picked up the book numerous times.

We then moved on to playing games.  

First up was Snap it Up!  Sterling may have grunted and groaned, because it's "learning," but she ended up loving this game and we played it a bunch over the weekend too.  She's pretty good at it too.

Xander loved playing Monster Sock Factory.

It was fun finding all the ways to make a multiplication sentence

After games, we headed to the local Farmer's Market.  It was a lot smaller than I'd hoped, but it's 2020, the year of fear.

Our rather small selection. 

We then walked up to the park.  It's been so much cooler that we've been able to go to the park at least once a day, but usually twice.  

We're loving the cooler temps!

The kids have been writing their own comic books, so they came home and worked on those for a long time.  They are actually pretty good.  They're fun to read and we're going to turn them into books to put on their shelves when they are done.

We'll try do one fun day every week, and then once a month I want to implement something big and over the top fun.  Something they'd never expect.  I have big plans for October, I'm just hoping I can pull it off because we don't have the outdoor space to do it (I can't leave anything set up outside since we live in apartments, and this is something I have to prep well in advance), so I need to figure a way to make it work indoors, and in a small space.

What's one way you bring the fun into your home?

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