Aug 7, 2020

Our Homeschool Schedule

Good morning, good morning!  Finding our rhythm each school year can be difficult.  Our first year took probably two or three months to get into, last year and this year took about a month to find our rhythm.  Last year I feel was our easiest year to find something work for us.  It was just the kids and I while Nick was in Afghanistan.  This year has been a challenge figuring out our rhythm with Nick being home, living in a small apartment, and going back to our home every weekend.  But, we finally found what's working this year.  It's such a relief.  

The previous two years, we did school four full days.  I had a schedule on a Day 1, 2, 3, and 4 routine because we didn't ever complete school on the same four days.  It worked perfectly for us.  I thought we could do that again this year, but, it just was not working out.  We are gone on the weekends, so I don't get much lesson prepping time, and then I feel rushed.  There's not much to prep this year, thank goodness, but I still need to sit down and review the weeks work before Monday.

The kids are loving this schedule!  As am I.  What schedule is working for your homeschool this year?

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