Aug 24, 2020

Our 3rd Grade Curriculum Choices

 Good morning.  Today I wanted to share what curriculum we are using for our third grader.  Since first grade we had been using Moffatt Girls, which we loved, but since she's not creating fourth grade curriculum sets yet, I decided to switch Sterling a year earlier since her brother had to switch.  So, this year, our curriculum learning style is new to us, but luckily, they have been a great switch!

First up is Sterling's favorite subject.  Math.  She get's it from her mama 😊.  We're using BJU Press Homeschool Math 3.  She's loving it and I'm loving her positive attitude.  We're using the reviews book only when a lesson is taking a little longer to learn.  If she's flying through a lesson, we skip the review. Which is more times than not.

Language Arts we're using The Good and the Beautiful (TGATB).  I started her out on level two because I wasn't sure how much she'd need to know before moving to 'grade level', level three.  But, next week we should be starting level three.  We did about 40 lessons in level two.  Mainly review, writing lessons, and phonics.  The little reader books are sweet stories with good messages.

The first eight phonics cards.  There are 164 cards.

We'll move onto level three next week.

We're using TGATB for handwriting as well.  She's learning cursive this year and is picking it up so easily.  We tried a different cursive book last year and she did not enjoy it.  TGATB make it so much more fun.  It's fun watching her put letters together and writing words in cursive.  The only thing she complains about is having to write manuscript as well.  Ha.  Such is life.

We added in Reading Skills, because it's always good to get in a little extra.  

We started vocabulary this year as well.  None of our programs have seemed to have a good selection of vocabulary, so we finally decided to add our own.  Each lesson has 10 words and 5 exercises.  We're aiming to do one lesson in two weeks.  I also write the words on the white board and if they can properly use the word in a sentence they earn a fuzzy.  They love this part!

I thought it'd be fun to do Mind Benders during group work and I was right.  It's so much fun figuring these puzzles out together.  We're just doing one per week, but it's always a fun 5 minute activity.

We're doing History 1, from TGATB, as a group as well.  The activities are fun too.  Last week we made Egyptian armbands.  The course comes with a game as well and it's pretty fun too.

We started our year with TGATB Marine Biology science unit.  I'm hoping to make a trip to the beach, but with activities 4 days a week and the beach 2 hours away, it's going to take a lot of planning.

After we finish our marine biology unit, we'll either start Apologia Astronomy or Exploring Creation.  We're leaning towards Astronomy because the kids are interested in going to space camp next summer.  We'll see.

Have you tried any of these curriculums?  How'd you like them?  I'll give another update in January to see how we're still liking them.

Have a great day!

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