This week has been hard and I'm getting pretty excited that it's almost over. We don't have any plans for the weekend, just ready to have a new, fresh day. Today has already started out well. It's only 9:30, so a lot can change. Wood, are you there? I'm knocking on you!
Let's rewind:
Monday: To start, we didn't get up early. I didn't even hear my alarm. I'd signed Xander up for a painting class. I thought it was at 10, so we all got ready to be on time and it was closed when we got there. Either I looked at the time wrong when I scheduled it or it was changed. Either way, it wasn't at 10. So, we ran to the store to grab our non-grocery items for the week since we were already out. Came home, at lunch, played games and then took Xander back to the painting place right before 2. It all worked out. Around dinner prep, every night, Xander still has a witching hour so dealing with his attitude and making dinner is never fun. After dinner cleanup, Nick played with the kids and then he got ready to leave for a sleep study.
Tuesday: I slept horrible the night before, as did Nick. He came home around 5 that morning and slept for a few hours. I had a dentist appointment. I was sure i'd have a cavity, but I didn't. I'm a night grinding and I'm wearing down my back teeth so I need to go back and get another night guard made. That visit is worse than getting a cavity filled! We had lunch, worked on school work and played games until it was time to make dinner. After dinner, Nick basically fell asleep from a horrible night the night before. Lulu also threw up during our outside playtime. We decided to take her with us to run around. We're thinking the heat was too much for her. It was over 100 degrees.
Wednesday: I was able to get 3 hours of sleep. Three measly hours. Surprising I wasn't a monster all day. But, I didn't get up early, 7 o'clock was early enough. I knew I'd need to stay busy from not getting much sleep, so I took the kids to the pool for two hours. We had a good time, came home, took showers, had lunch and then started school. Lulu threw up again, but not as bad as Tuesday, so we tried keeping her calm. Which, is basically impossible. She's a firecracker! We all went to bed around 8:30. I was finally tired.
Today...has been off to a great start. We were all up at 5:30 and at the track at 6. We did family sprints for 30 minutes. We all grabbed showers after getting home. I made omelets for breakfast and I had everything cleaned back up by 8. Sterling has her clothes in the washer, and I folded towels from yesterday. Tonight I won't sleep much. Nick has to go back to get another sleep study. I hate sleeping when he's not home.
This week sleep has not been my friend and I've been mentally dragging. If I can't start the week great, I can at least try to end it great. We're not perfect, every day has a different bump in our way, but everyday we'll push through and start fresh the next day. Even if it's at the end of the week. As we were walking/sprinting around the track this morning, we all commented on the sky. The sun hadn't risen yet, but the pink hues from the expecting rise was beautiful to see. I wished I had my phone so we could snap a picture, but I left it in the car. Maybe next time.
Everyday you get a chance to make it better than the last, take that chance and run. Don't let your hard days get in the way making a great day or new memories.
You've got this mama's!
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