Good morning. Today I'm sharing what we are using for our fourth grader. He's my little man with an old soul. He loves to read, learn all about science, play games, and he's obsessed with wrestlers. We've been back in school for 7 weeks (this week) and he's claimed outlaid last week to love math, language arts, science and history. I'll claim that as first term success, ha!
We switched to BJU Press Homeschool Math 4 for math this year. For the past two years, he was using Moffatt Girls Math Made Fun bundle. But, she hasn't made grade four yet, so we had to switch. He's loving the switch, as am I! There has been a few new concepts, but he's picked them up quickly. Thanks to the awesome teachers manual. I love how the instructions are laid out for the teacher. It's a great refresher. I loved math as a kid, so teaching math has been fun for me. I'm just glad we haven't had any tears yet!
In language arts, we are using
The Good and the Beautiful (TGATB). He actually used level three for the past six weeks and today he starts level four. I'm excited because level four is where he becomes a little more independent. Which is why I wanted to start him with level three before moving onto level four. This is our first year using TGATB, so I wanted him to get a good grasp on the style of learning before going independent.
We're also using
TGATB handwriting. I've heard a lot of reviews on this subject and knew I had to get it this year. You guys, it's as good as everyone says. He's my sloppy writer, which is why I started him with level two. In the 6 weeks that's been using it, his writing has gotten so much neater.
We're using Reading Skills grade four to sharpen reading comprehension skills.
We went up to the house this past weekend and I grabbed our spelling books that we started last spring. We're going to add these back into our days as well. Being a better speller will strengthen writing skills, so it won't hurt. My little guy wants to be an author and illustrator, so we'll take the 5 minutes each day to complete one page.
A little critical thinking never hurt anyone.
We started the school year with Marine Biology from TGATB. We have 3 lessons left and we will all be sad when it's over. It was a good first science unit, and it was
When we finish marine biology, we'll start either apologia astronomy or exploring creation. We're leaning towards astronomy. I've also heard great things about apologia science units, so I'm excited to try them out. I'm just trying to figure out the structure.
In history we are using
TGATB year 1. It's been a lot of fun so far. My kids are loving the activities and special treats we enjoy as we do our lessons. We're studying Ancient Egypt right now and we pulled out Egyptian type foods one day and made Egyptian armbands another day.
Our third year doing this homeschool gig and it's going really well. Our new picks this year have been a success, so far. What is your favorite curriculum set to use?
Have a great day!
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